9 Emails Marketers Should Be Sending

Don’t you love it when a good piece of content drops into your inbox and compels you you to share it. Campaign Monitor is primarily a email broadcast tool, but with the volume of email that goes through their platform, they have a unique position to see the good, bad and ugly of email. Including metrics around opens, clicks and engagement. As such, they published an excellent list of emails that should be a framework for every marketer. The full list and descriptors is here I also thought I would give you a summary…

9 Emails You Should Be Sending

Welcome - this is when your customers are at the height of their engagement so make sure that this emails reflects the promise that your brand presents.

Newsletter - such a simple piece of advice. So when you decide that this is the plan, make a plan of the content that is to be used for the newsletter. The first few editions will be easy, it will be the 10th and 12th editions that get hard. Most newsletters fail after 12 editions.

New Product - obvious one. I would add that you should try and send this email to a more targeted part of your database, i.e. the people most likely to be interested.

Testimonials - not sure that we ever get this right. Using what your customers are saying about you (if it is positive) will generate sales. Yes. It will.

Tips & Training - here you give your customers the tools to maximise their use of your product. The more they get out, the more they buy.

Reminder - updates and renewal notices can be a great opportunity to keep customers happy…make them an offer they can’t refuse.

Upgrade - a tricky area that requires some analysis to determine timing. The better you work out the best time to send this, the better the results will be.

Survey - surprised how this has become a stable of many of the good brands. I like the fact that many companies our now asking. But what are they doing with the data? The real gold is the negative feedback. Great companies use that information to pivot and become better.

Win-Back - probably a luke warm thing to be doing. If you are serious about winning back lost customers, then email is not the answer. Get on the phone and have the conversation. Even if they leave, you will find out why, and you will grow with the information.

And there you have it. A good list that can form a framework for the emails to be sending to current customers. Read the full list and descriptors here thanks to Campaign Monitor. Take a note of some of the examples as well. The clever use of GREAT photography and Images is the the new key to successful design in email. Less words. more relevant pictures is critical.

I would add that you should always be looking for new customers using the leanings from these emails. The offers that are working with current customers should also work in acquisition. Consider a smaller volume of emails being sent, and a series of emails to the same prospect, so that your brand narrative is given the chance to resonate with the target audience.

Let me know if I can help.

Abramo Ierardo